Jake Chitel

Software Engineer

I am a software engineer based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. My expertise is in full-stack web development, where I am proficient in .NET and NodeJS stacks. I also have growing experience in iOS and Android. I am driven by a thirst for crafting truly awesome user experiences.



Marquette University - Milwaukee, Wisconsin

August 2011 - May 2015

Bachelor of Science - Computer Engineering


Direct Supply, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Senior Software Engineer, April 2019 - Present

Since my promotion to Senior Engineer, I have made significant contributions in a project to build a new mobile application from the ground up. This project has leveraged modern native mobile technologies like Kotlin, Jetpack, Swift, and SwiftUI.

Software Engineer, September 2017 - April 2019

My initial tenure at Direct Supply saw a deepening of my skills in both React and C# server development. I have developed deep knowledge in code bases with over 20 years of legacy code, including Angular, jQuery, classic ASP, and VB6.

GE Healthcare, Waukesha, Wisconsin

Software Engineer, April 2017 - September 2017

At GE Healthcare, I developed a log processor and UI used in a reliability platform for mobile X-Ray systems, utilizing PHP and JavaScript.

D+H (Now Finastra), Mequon, Wisconsin

Software Engineer, July 2016 - April 2017

At D+H, I worked on a platform for online mortgage applications to be vended to banks and other mortgage lenders. This platform utilized a mix of modern AngularJS and ASP.NET, with some older VB.NET and vanilla JS.

Amazon, Seattle, Washington

Software Development Engineer, June 2015 - June 2016

After being hired for full-time work at Amazon, I worked on the AWS Lambda Console stack, modernizing the frontend from AngularJS to React. The Java backend was a thin layer on top of the public AWS Lambda API, and also integrated with several other AWS services.

SDE Intern, May 2014 - August 2014

As an intern at Amazon, I worked in the hardlines division of the Amazon.com website, developing an aggregation tool for the Amazon Wireless mobile phone service. This project involved using Java and SQL.

Quad/Graphics, Sussex, Wisconsin

Software Developer Intern, May 2013 - October 2013

My first ever internship at Quad/Graphics had me in a data-heavy environment, dealing with backend systems for warehouses. Here, I honed my C# and SQL skills, and got my first taste of working at a large company with many internal services communicating with each other.

GasDay Lab, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Software Developer, August 2011 - May 2015

The GasDay Lab provided my humble beginnings as a software developer. Here, I learned C# and SQL for the backend of a tool used by energy companies to forecast natural gas demand. The tool consisted of a database storing weather and gas flow data, interacting with a forecasting model maintained by Marquette University professors and grad students. Over time, I also worked on a new ASP.NET MVC Web UI for this tool (replacing a dated MS Excel macro), where I first learned HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
